Eel Power
We understand the challenges facing the UK electricity system as it transforms away from centralised thermal generation to distributed renewables. Our background is in solar PV, large scale hydropower and in commercial energy storage co-located at renewable generation sites in the UK.
We work with both generators, consumers, national and local grid companies to increase their revenues / reduce their costs and reduce pressure on the electricity supply network.
Energy storage solutions can either be “grid connected” or “behind the meter”, such as those co-located with:
generators of power such as: solar farms or hydropower or land fill gas or onshore wind, or
consumers of electricity such as industrial parks, rail operators or water companies.
“Grid connected” solutions are energy storage assets with direct connections to the National Grid to provide much needed capacity, frequency response and balancing services.
Eelpower and our sister companies currently operate 6 grid connected sites of 34MW, with a further 38MW in build and a pipeline of 860MW. Eelpower plans to build 1GW of grid connected storage by year end 2021.
Brooks Newmark is an angel investor in Eel Power