Social Reform
Brooks is a social reform campaigner who has dedicated his career to building strong and healthy communities and ending the plight of homelessness.
Brooks is the former Minister for Civil Society and MP for Braintree, and is a member of the Government’s Rough Sleepers Advisory Panel and supporter of CRISIS UK, the country’s national charity for homelessness. Brooks is also the co-founder of Women2Win, a group set up to increase the involvement of women in the Conservative party.
Brooks has campaigned to end the plight of homelessness and dedicated his career to building strong and healthy communities. His personal experiences at Crisis and work at St Martin’s soup kitchens were the catalyst for this, and he believes rough sleeping is a resolvable issue that requires political will.
A core focus as an MP and in his previous role of Minister of Civil Society, was to try and eradicate rough sleeping once and for all. In 2017, Brooks chaired a widely credited report on Homelessness in the UK with Crisis and the Centre for Social Justice, and he is continuing this mission in his current role on the Government’s Roughsleepers Advisory Panel.
As an MP, it was critical to Brooks that parliament reflected the constituencies they served, with equal representation of women and ethnic minorities.
He co-founded an organisation called Women2Win (W2W) in 2005 in order to work with other Parliamentarians to address this imbalance. The mission of the W2W was to help Conservative female candidates to be selected and elected, and the organization was greatly successful – taking the numbers of women in the Conservative party from 17 to 60.